

Online payments

If you have a webshop , it is important that your customers can choose a payment method that suits them. We therefore offer various payment solutions, and more options always leads to more orders!

The payment process is often overlooked but certainly not an unimportant step in the process: every customer who drops out there means missed sales. That is why we offer a range of payment options. We do so together with well-known payment providers so you can choose which party will handle your online payments. A number of payment methods:

  • For international webshops, we offer credit cards and Paypal as an option. If you want to become active in, for example, Germany, a local option like Giropay is important.
  • We also offer post-pay with Klarna, In3 and Afterpay, allowing customers to pay for their purchase after they receive it. This is a convenient option for customers who do not want to pay for their order immediately.
  • Finally, we also offer the option to pay on account. This is especially convenient for business or local customers.

If a customer returns a product, it is also important that the refund is handled properly. If there is a link to joue POS system, this can be fully automated. The customer then automatically receives an e-mail message with information about their refund and, together with your payment provider, the refund is made automatically. Very convenient!

We have integrations with all well-known platforms, such as Buckaroo, Stripe, and Paypal. So we can provide your webshop with a payment solution that suits your customers. Would you like to know more about the payment solutions we offer? Then get in touch with us. We will be happy to help.